Bloody-minded courage, awesome love and a story that will move you to tears: The victim of a landmine in Afghanistan's battle to walk again and propose to his girlfriend.
The voice was raw, terrified, almost hysterical. 'Put out the light!' it shrieked. 'Put out that bloody light!' With a shock I realised the voice was my own.
I am a soldier. I hate light. I much prefer to skulk around in the darkness, unseen and unheard. If I am caught in the open and an unexpected burst of light from a rocket or a trip flare flashes across my line of sight, then my instinct and training tell me to get the hell out. To do whatever I can to get to the safety of the shadows.
But a piercing whiteness seemed to blind me. Was I even now in somebody's cross-hairs? I lay still and waited.
A strange, antiseptic smell filled the air - so different from the stench of dust, manure and rotting vegetables that I was used to in Afghanistan.
Then, the sound of a door opening jolted me back to reality and I was able make out someone standing in the threshold. My breath caught in my throat as I stifled a sob.
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The voice was raw, terrified, almost hysterical. 'Put out the light!' it shrieked. 'Put out that bloody light!' With a shock I realised the voice was my own.
I am a soldier. I hate light. I much prefer to skulk around in the darkness, unseen and unheard. If I am caught in the open and an unexpected burst of light from a rocket or a trip flare flashes across my line of sight, then my instinct and training tell me to get the hell out. To do whatever I can to get to the safety of the shadows.
But a piercing whiteness seemed to blind me. Was I even now in somebody's cross-hairs? I lay still and waited.
A strange, antiseptic smell filled the air - so different from the stench of dust, manure and rotting vegetables that I was used to in Afghanistan.
Then, the sound of a door opening jolted me back to reality and I was able make out someone standing in the threshold. My breath caught in my throat as I stifled a sob.
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