Colonel Richard Kemp CBE
British Colonel to receive Honorary Doctorate for defending Israel on international stage
Col. Richard Kemp, the former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, is expected to be honored for serving as a powerful voice in defense of Israel's actions against terrorist organizations in Gaza.
At the recent Shurat Hadin conference titled "Towards a New Law of War", he was quoted as saying, ""Hamas's real objective to use human shields is not to protect its weapons. It's to get the human shields killed, to have Israel accused of killing civilians."
It was reported in Walla! News that Bar Ilan University has chosen to give an honorary doctorate to Col Kemp for his tireless work in defending Israel around the world. Col. Kemp, a lifelong soldier and experienced officer, has studied IDF tactics and their activities and come to the conclusion that no other army in the world puts so much effort into protecting innocent civilians.
Col. Kemp has appeared before the UN several times, and his indisputable expertise makes his a powerful voice. In his last appearance before the UN Human rights Council, he said, "It is a total lack of responsibility on the part of the international community to demand that Israel lift the blockade on Gaza, it is clear that the actions taken by Israel are required to prevent the rearming of Hamas to carry out further attacks against Israel."
During the war in Gaza, he arrived in Israel to show his support and, in an interview, compared his experiences in Afghanistan with IDF actions in Gaza.
"When my battalion soldiers fought against Taliban positions in the area in Helmond and soldiers burst into the room, similar to what the IDF soldiers do in the same situation, they went in shooting on automatic because they thought that there were enemy soldiers. Fortunately, they did not shoot immediately and on the floor were civilians - men, women and children - who were brought there by the Taliban to be killed. Hamas also hopes that your forces killed civilians."
Bar Ilan said about the soon-to-be recipient of an honorary doctorate, "He has commanded and implemented strategies for the British army in his effort to fight terrorist organizations. His testimony before the Human Rights Council, courageously protecting Israel's security policy and morality of the IDF, contributed to Israel's standing in the eyes of the world … He is at the forefront in calling for international support for Israel in fighting Islamic fundamentalism."
Col. Kemp has written several authoritative books and has spoken on many college campuses. He has became the focus of attacks by the BDS movement on several continents, and, in typical military fashion, has brought charges to University authorities leading to actions taken against faculty and students for being anti-Semitic.
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